Services Divisions
Scientific Service, Architectural Service & Technological Service Division
Human resources management with respect to Sri Lanka Scientific Service, Sri Lanka Architectural Service, and Sri Lanka Technological Service has been assigned to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government. Although, it was a delegated function by the Public Service Commission in the absence of the Public Service Commission, recruitment, confirmation, promotion, transfer, retirement and disciplinary actions of the Sri Lanka Scientific Service, Sri Lanka Architectural Service are carried out by the Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government. In the case of Sri Lanka Technological Service, only conducting Efficiency Bar Examination policy aspect are assigned to the Ministry of Public Administration and Management, and the recruitment, confirmation, promotion, transfer, retirement and disciplinary process of the Sri Lanka Technological Service have been delegated to there own institution. The approved cadres and existing strength of these services in 2010 were summarized in the table bellow.
Approved Cadre and Strengths in 2010
Service | Approved Cardre | Present Strength |
Sri Lanka Scientific Service | 660 | 480 |
Sri Lanka Architectural Service | 76 | 53 |
- To formulate policies in Human Resource Management of Scientific Service
- To establish efficient Scientific Service to satisfy the needs of public
Key Functions
- Get recommendation from employee’s institute
- Providing recommendation to the Public Service commission
Organization Structure
- වැඩබැලීම සඳහා / රාජකාරී ඉටුකිරීම සඳහා පත්කිරීම
[ PDF - 65 KB ] - Confirmation (Service / Grade / Post / Service Category) (English)
[ PDF - 180 KB ] - කාර්යක්ෂමතා කඩඉම් හා භාෂා ප්රවීනතා සම්බන්ධව සහන ලබාදෙන ලෙස රාජ්ය සේවා කොමිෂන් සභාව වෙතින් කරනු ලබන ඉල්ලීම් චක්රලේඛ අංක 02/2011-1
[ PDF - 243 KB ] - කාර්යක්ෂමතා කඩඉම් හා භාෂා ප්රවීනතා සම්බන්ධව සහන ලබාදෙන ලෙස රාජ්ය සේවා කොමිෂන් සභාව වෙතින් කරනු ලබන ඉල්ලීම් චක්රලේඛ අංක 02/2011
[ PDF - 555 KB ] - Class1 Promotion in Sri lanka Scientific Service (English)
[ PDF - 173 KB ] - Promotion to Class II (Service / Grade / Post / Service Category) (English)
[ PDF - 179 KB ] - Retirement (Service / Grade / Post / Service Category) (English)
[ PDF - 179 KB ]
Contact Details
Planning Service Division
"Proper implementation of administrative provisions and regulations and introducing new policies, through capacity development of officers to provide an effective planning service to the country"
- Formulation of Human Resource Management Policies in Planning Service
- Establishment of an efficient Planning Service with a view to fulfill the requirement of people
Main Functions
- Recruitments
- Confirmation in service
- Granting Promotions
- Making Transfers
- Conducting Efficiency Bar examinations
- Extension of service and sending on retirement
- Identifying vacancies based on the post and institutions
- Obtaining the approval of the Department of Management Services
- Publishing the Gazette Notification for recruitment
- Conducting examinations for selection of officers
- Verification of qualifications of the applicant through interviews
- Obtaining the approval of the Public Service Commission
Service Minutes and Related Circulars
Current Service Minute and Revisions
Previous Service Minute and Revisions
Contact Details
![]() Director
Sri Lanka Planning Service Division
Engineering Service Division
"Contended Engineering Service to provide a better service to the country"
"Management of engineers in the Public Service in terms of the minute of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service so as to receive the attention it deserves in order that a contended service will play its expected role in the service of the country"
Functions of the Directorate
Generally the following matters pertaining to engineers in the Public Service are dealt with by the directorate.
- Appointment and Promotions
- Resignation
- Confirmation in appointment
- Release to Statutory Boards, Corporations, Foreign Funded projects etc.
- Transfer between ministries
- Retirement
- Extension of the period of probation
- Disciplinary matters
- Release for Scholarships and Trainings or for employment or study abroad
- Representations by Trade Unions
- The procedures adopted in the different departments were not uniform. As such, the Public Service Engineers suggested the formation of a separate service for Engineers, so that equal condition could be applied to all engineers in the Public service, Irrespective of the Department in which they served.
- Before the Sri Lanka Engineering Service was centrally established on 01.10.1971, engineers required for the Public Service were recruited by the respective departments according to their needs.
Outcome - the Service Minute
- The government after consultation with the unions concerned, approved the minute for the formation of the Ceylon Engineering Service with a Board constitute for the purpose of managing its affairs and a senior Class I engineer to function as the Executive Director to advise the Board.
- The minute on the Ceylon was published in the Ceylon Government Gazette (Extraordinary) No. 15001/8 of Tuesday, March 14, 1972 (By the secretary, Public Service Commission) and the Ceylon Engineering Service was established on 1 of October 1971.
Management of the Service
- In terms of the minute of the SLES the board consists of three members of whom one is the secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration, and the other two are senior charted engineers, who do not belong to SLES appointed by the Minister in charge of the subject of Public Administration. This board is named as the Engineering Service Board. The Sri Lanka Engineering Service is one of the all island parallel services under the purview of the Ministry of Public Administration. The appointing and disciplinary authority for engineers is the Public Service Commission.
The Structure of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service
As per the new service minute, the Sri Lanka Engineering Service consists of 16 categories, namely, Civil-7, Mechanical-4, Electrical-3 and Chemical and Earth Resources.
- As at 01.07.2024, the actual cadre in the Sri Lanka Engineering Service is 1125.
Organization Structure
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Assistant Director
Head of the Branch Mr. K.B.C.J. De Silva
Accountants' Service Division
All administrative affairs of Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service are handled by the Ministry of Public Administration and Management.
Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service, which has been established under the provisions of the Gazette Extra Ordinary of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 1670/33 dated 10th September 2010, one of the All Island Services.
With a view to ensure the accountability and responsibility maintaining the transparency of financial management at the maximum level, all the policies stipulated by the Cabinet of Ministers and Public Service Commission in relation to the Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service are implemented by Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service Division with the approval of the Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration and Management in order to create a competent professional with inherent initiatives.
"Self Governed Accountant Service” for efficient and effective financial management"
"To direct officers to local and overseas trainings and capacity building programmes with a view to enhance attitudes required to create a group of officers enriched with professional skills and vigilance and to build a background for research in relation to the financial sector and further to formulate strategies required to Accountants to apply their results"
To create a competent professional with inherent initiatives in order to ensure the accountability and responsibility maintaining the transparency of financial management at the maximum level.
According to the historical evidences, Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service has been established in 1946 according to the necessity for establishing accounting methods as the scope of the subject and activities relating to advance accounts have been increased during Second World War. Then the service has reached the present situation facing various changes in its evolution.
Functions of the Unit
- Recruitment
- Confirmation of service
- Making transfers
- Forwarding the certificates to the Department of Examinations and Universities for verification of results
- Conducting Efficiency Bar Examinations
- Making recommendations to the Public Service Commission with regard promotions
- Making relevant recommendations to Public Service Commission with regard to act in a certain post
- Granting approval for leave to be spent out of the Island
- Service extensions and sending on retirement
- Management of Seniority list
- Management of vacancy list
- Making recommendations to Public Service Commission and the Cabinet of Ministers with regard to policy decisions of Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service
- Disciplinary matters
- Identifying the vacancies based on the post and post
- Obtaining the approval of the Department of Management Services
- Publishing Gazette Notifications for recruitment of officers on open. Limited stream
- Conducting examinations for selecting by the Department of Examinations
- Verification of qualifications of applicants through interviews
- Obtaining approval of the Public Service Commission
Confirmation of service
- Two certified copies of the annual review report as per Appendix 05 of Procedural Rules
- Two certified copies of certificate obtained at the induction training of S.L.Ac.S.
- Certified copy of the medical certificate (Only for open and direct recruitments)
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
- Certified copies of the results sheets of Efficiency Bar Examinations
- Certified copies of the documents to the effect that the officer has passed or exempted from the requirement of acquiring language proficiency
- General 278 Oath
- General 160 Service Agreement
- Letter of duty assumption
Forwarding the certificates to the Department of Examinations and Universities for verification of results
- Certified copies of the educational qualifications
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
Conducting Efficiency Bar Examinations
- Conducting Efficiency Bar examination by the Department of Examinations
- Issuing the results of Efficiency bar examinations
Making recommendations to the Public Service Commission with regard promotions
- The application correctly filled and the annexes relevant to the same
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department and the relevant Secretary
Making relevant recommendations to Public Service Commission with regard to act in a certain post
- The relevant format and the annex relevant to the same
- Recommendations of the Head of the Department and the relevant Secretary
Granting approval for leave to be spent out of the Island
- The Form General 126 duly filled (2 copies)
- Recommendation of the Heads of the Department
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
- Application duly filled
- Letter of confirmation of service
- Request of the relevant officer
- Recommendations of the Heads of the Department and the relevant Secretary
- Making recommendations to the Public Service Commission
Making recommendations to Public Service Commission and the Cabinet of Ministers with regard to policy decisions of Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Deputy Director
![]() Assistant Director
Sri Lanka Accountants Service Division
Administrative Service Division
Sri Lanka Administrative Service Division implements all the policies made by the Public Service Commission in relation to Sri Lanka Administrative Service on the approval of the Secretary.
Functions of the Unit
Send certificates to Department of Examination and Universities for getting the confirmation
- Certified copies of the educational certificates
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
Granting approval for transfers and making recommendations to Public Service Commission
- Provisions of the Procedural Rules of the Public Service Commission (Chapter VII and VIII)
- Making annual transfers of Sri Lanka Administrative Service as per transfer Procedure
Granting exemption form the requirement of obtaining competency in subjects and languages as per Sri Lanka Administrative Service Minute
Making recommendations to Public Service Commission regarding the issues on Efficiency Bar Examinations (As per PSC Circular No. 02/2011)
Making recommendations to Public Service Commission regarding confirmation in service
- Two certified copies of annual review reports as in Appendix 05 of Procedural Rules
- Two certified copies of the certificate of the induction training of SLIDA
- A certified copy of the medical certificate (only for recruitments under open stream)
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
- Certified copies of the results of Efficiency Bar Examinations
- Copies of certificates to prove passing language requirement or exemption from the requirement
Sending the particulars of assuming duties to the Government Printer
- Particulars in all three languages (Sinhala, Tamil and English)
- Recommendation of the head of the department
Leave to be spent out of Sri Lanka (as per Section 23 of XII in the Establishments Code)
- Duly filled Form General 126 (2 copies)
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
Granting study leave to be spent out of Sri Lanka for the field of subjects indicated in the Service Minute (with full pay) (as per Section 14, Chapter XII of Establishments Code
- Duly filled Form General 126 (2 copies)
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
- Certified copy of the bond as per Appendix 8 of the Establishments Code
- Certified copy of the agreement as per Appendix 16 of the Establishments Code (PA Circular 21/2007, 21/2007 (i)
- Letter of selection for the course
- Prior approval of H.E. the president/ Hon. Prime Minister/ Hon. Governor as per Section 10.6 Chapter 12 of the Establishments Code revised by Public Administration Circular no 21/2007
No pay leave for study abroad (study/employment/ employment and study)- (As per Section 16, Chapter XII of Establishments Code)
- Duly filled Form General 126 (2 copies)
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
- Relevant Bond
- For study purposes – Appendix 9
- For employment – Appendix 10
- For employment and study – Appendix 11
- Prior approval of the respective Minister as per Section 16.3, Chapter I, II of Establishments Code
- Certified copy of the letter of selection for employment, study
No pay leave for a spouse of an officer posted abroad
- Duly filled Form General 126 (2 copies)
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the relevant Secretary
- Marriage Certificate
- The certified copy of the letter of appointment of the spouse of the officer who is to be attached to a post abroad
Placing on relevant salary step as per para 12 (III) of Service Minute
- Duly filled application
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the Secretary
Submission of recommendations for acting in a post to Public service Commission
- Relevant form and annex
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the Secretary
Making recommendations to Public Service Commission regarding the release on Secondment (as per Procedural Rules 143)
- Form duly filled as per Appendix 10 of Procedural Rules ( request of the officer to be released on his consent)
- Application duly filled as per Appendix 11 of Procedural Rules ( in case where the release is made on the requirement of the government)
- Recommendation of the Secretary of the Ministry from which the officer is released
- Recommendation of the Head of the Institution from which the officer is released
Making Recommendation to Public Service Commission on promotion
- Application duly filled and relevant annexes
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the respective Secretary
Approval for Annual Salary Increments of Officers in Class I and Special Grade
- Application duly filled
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
Approval for Service Extensions
- Application duly filled as per Appendix 13 of Procedural Rules
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the respective Secretary
Making recommendations to Public Service Commission on Retirement
- Application duly filled
- Recommendation of the Head of the Department
- Recommendation of the respective Secretary
Making recommendations to Public Service Commission and the Cabinet regarding the policy decisions of Sri Lanka Administration Service
Managing Seniority List
If there are any corrections to be done, Please Inform. 011-2698147, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Special Grade
- Grade I
- Grade II
- Grade III
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Assistant Director
![]() Assistant Director
Administrative Officer
![]() Administrative Officer
Administrative Service Division