All Island Services
Sri Lanka Architectural Service
Human resources management with respect to Sri Lanka Architectural Service has been assigned to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government. Although, it was a delegated function by the Public Service Commission in the absence of the Public Service Commission, recruitment, confirmation, promotion, transfer, retirement and disciplinary actions of the Sri Lanka Architectural Service carried out by the Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government.
Service Minutes and Related Circulars
Current Service Minute and Revisions
Previous Service Minute and Revisions
Related Circulars
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Assistant Director
Architectural Service Division
Sri Lanka Scientific Service
Human resources management with respect to Sri Lanka Scientific Service has been assigned to the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government. Although, it was a delegated function by the Public Service Commission in the absence of the Public Service Commission, recruitment, confirmation, promotion, transfer, retirement and disciplinary actions of the Sri Lanka Scientific Service carried out by the Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government.
Service Minutes and Related Circulars
Current Service Minute and Revisions
Previous Service Minute and Revisions
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Assistant Director
Scientific Service Division
Sri Lanka Accountants' Service
"Self Governed Accountant Service” for efficient and effective financial management"
With a view to ensure the accountability and responsibility maintaining the transparency of financial management at the maximum level, all the policies stipulated by the Cabinet of Ministers and Public Service Commission in relation to the Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service are implemented by Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service Division in order to create a competent professional with inherent initiatives.
To create a competent professional with inherent initiatives in order to ensure the accountability and responsibility maintaining the transparency of financial management at the maximum level.
History of Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service
According to the historical evidences, Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service has been established in 1946 according to the necessity for establishing accounting methods as the scope of the subject and activities relating to advance accounts have been increased during second world war. Then the service has reached the present situation facing various changes in its evolution. During this evolution, the administrative centre of the service has also been changed from time to time.
Accordingly, the Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service Division which was under the Ministry of Finance was brought under the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government on 18.06.2015. Since then, Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service is governed under the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government.
The officers of Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service, which is treated as an all Island Service, are serving all over the Island. Accordingly, the main responsibility of Accountants’ Service Division of the Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government to enrich the service with self governed, prudent and skilled professionals. In order to achieve this goal, it is expected to carry out following training and development activities.
- Development of attitudes by way of directing the accountants to achieve self control as they are the key of financial management. (Under SLIDA or other institution).
- Inculcating attitudes and providing knowledge to the officers, which is required to work with dignity minimizing disciplinary issues.
- Identification of the skills required for an officer in Sri Lanka Accountants’ Service and directing the officers for foreign and local training to achieve such skills.
- Directing Accountants to capacity building programmes identifying the timely requirement.
- To motivate the Accountants to carry out researches on correct financial forecasts since they are highly important to make development tasks a success and further to build a research basis and application of the results of such researches.
- Formulation of strategies to develop Accountants to the level of professionals.
Service Minutes and Related Circulars
Current Service Minute and Revisions
Related Circulars
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Deputy Director
![]() Assistant Director
Sri Lanka Accountants Service Division
Sri Lanka Planning Service
"Proper implementation of administrative provisions and regulations and introducing new policies, through capacity development of officers to provide an effective planning service to the country"
- Formulation of Human Resource Management Policies in Planning Service
- Establishment of an efficient Planning Service with a view to fulfill the requirement of people
Main Functions
- Recruitments
- Confirmation in service
- Granting Promotions
- Making Transfers
- Conducting Efficiency Bar examinations
- Extension of service and sending on retirement
- Identifying vacancies based on the post and institutions
- Obtaining the approval of the Department of Management Services
- Publishing the Gazette Notification for recruitment
- Conducting examinations for selection of officers
- Verification of qualifications of the applicant through interviews
- Obtaining the approval of the Public Service Commission
Service Minutes and Related Circulars
Current Service Minute and Revisions
Previous Service Minute and Revisions
Special Notices
Contact Details
![]() Director
Sri Lanka Planning Service Division
Sri Lanka Engineering Service
- As at 01.07.2024, the actual cadre in the Sri Lanka Engineering Service is 1125.
- Recruitments are made to the Sri Lanka Engineering Service under two categories as per the new Service Minute of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 1836/6 dated 11.11.2013 and the amendments made to the same.
- Recruitment under the Open Stream (Only for engineers who have possessed professional qualifications) - 75% of the existing vacancies
- Recruitment under the Limited Stream - 25% of the existing vacancies
Recruitment under the open stream
Educational Qualifications
- Shall have successfully completed and possessed the full-time BSc degree in Engineering (4 years) recognized by the University Grants Commission and the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka, under a stream determined for recruitment from a university recognized by the University Grants Commission.
- Shall have completed educational and all other requirements, which have been recognized by the University Grants Commission and the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka as a qualification equivalent to the degree mentioned above, under a stream determined for recruitment, and obtained a valid certificate.
Professional Qualifications
- Shall have registered as an Associate Engineer or a Chartered Engineer under the relevant service category in the Engineering Council, Sri Lanka established by the Act, No. 04 of 2017 and obtained the associate membership or full membership (Status of Chartered Engineer) of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka.
Recruitment under Limited Stream
- Shall have completed a service of not less than 15 years as an officer belonging to the Engineering Assistants' Service of the Department of Irrigation and at least 5 years from the above shall be after promotion to Grade I and further shall have passed the Senior Technical Examination conducted by the Commissioner General of Examinations.
- An officer serving in a post of Supervising Manager of the Department of Railways shall have completed a service of not less than 15 years in the Department. A period of at least 5 years of the above shall be after promotion to Grade I of the service. .
- Shall have served as a Technical Officer in the Sri Lanka Technological Service with a period of service of not less than 15 years out of which at least 05 years should be in Grade I after being promoted to the same and have completed the third examination for Government Technical Officers conducted by the Commissioner General of Examinations (Minute of 1979).
- Shall have possessed an active and satisfactory service of not less than 21 years as an officer belonging to the Engineering Assistants' Service of the Department of Irrigation, a Technical Officer in the Sri Lanka Technological Service or an officer serving in a post of Supervising Manager of the Department of Railways and been promoted to the Special Grade of that service.
- Shall have completed an active and satisfactory service of not less than 15 years as an officer belonging to the Engineering Assistant's Service of the Department of Irrigation, a Technical Officer in the Sri Lanka Technological Service or an officer serving in a post of Supervising Manager of the Department of Railways; and
(a) Shall have successfully completed and possessed an Engineering degree of 4 years from a university recognized by the University Grants Commission under a stream of recruitment recognized by that Commission and the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka.
(b) Shall have completed educational and all other requirements, which have been recognized by the University Grants Commission and the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka as a qualification equivalent to the degree mentioned above, under a stream determined for recruitment, and obtained a valid certificate.
- Shall have been registered as a corporate or associate engineer in the Sri Lanka Engineering Council established under the Act, No. 04 of 2017, along with one of the above qualifications.
New Consolidate Salary Scales
The revised salary scales relevant to each Class / Grade are given below.
- Special Grade (SL-3-2016) - Rs.88,000.00 (Step 1)
- Grade I (SL-1 – 2016) - Rs.76,175.00 (Step 20)
- Grade II (SL-1 – 2016) - Rs.62,595.00 (Step 12)
- Grade III (SL-1 – 2016) - Rs.47,615.00 (Step 1)
When an officer has possessed full professional qualifications (Status of Chartered Engineer) at the time of recruitment to Grade III of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service or when such officer possesses full professional qualifications after the recruitment, he/she shall be placed on the sixth (06) salary step in Grade III. .
Efficiency Bar Examination
- A written test on administration
- A written test on financial systems
- A written test on department/establishment methodologies
- If an officer has completed an active and satisfactory service of six years in Grade III of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service, passed the efficiency bar examination and satisfied the requirement of acquiring competency in the other official language, he /she will be promoted to Grade II with effect from the date on which he/she satisfies all the qualifications.
- If an officer has satisfied an active and satisfactory service of six years in Grade II of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service, has earned the prescribed six salary increments, has acquired the full professional qualification (Chartered Engineer’s Status) and has satisfied the requirement of maintaining that status continuously, he /she will be promoted to Grade I with effect from the date on which he/she satisfies all the qualifications.
- The officers who have completed an active and satisfactory service of 05 years in Grade I of the Sri Lanka Engineering Service and a total period of active service of not less than 18 years and have obtained fellow membership of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka or obtained a similar fellow membership of an institution of engineers recognized by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka or have completed a postgraduate diploma / postgraduate degree that contains a course duration of not less than 09 months in the field of Engineering or obtained a postgraduate degree certificate in the field of Management/ Business Administration/ Information Technology will be promoted to Special Grade based on their seniority and as per the recommendations of an interview board.
Service Minutes and Related Circulars
Current Service Minute and Revisions
Related Circulars
Background of Sri Lanka Engineering Service (SLES)
Before the Sri Lanka Engineering Service was centrally established on 01.10.1971, Engineers required for the Public Service were recruited by the respective Departments according to their needs. Engineers so recruited found themselves subject to varying conditions of employment, and as a result, around 1970 there was a considerable agitation among Engineers in the four Engineering disciplines of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering that promotional prospects were limited, facilities for postgraduates training and practical experience required for Engineers to obtain full professional qualifications were restricted and that the disciplinary procedures in the different Departments were not uniform. As such, the Public Service Engineers suggested the formation of a separate service for Engineers.
The minute on the Ceylon Engineering Service was published in the Ceylon Government Gazette (Extra Ordinary) No. 15001/8 of March 14, 1972 (By the Secretary, Public Service Commission) and the Ceylon Engineering Service was established on 1st October 1971. This minute was replaced by the Minute published in the Gazette (Extra Ordinary) of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 327/1 dated 25-07-1978.
The Sri Lanka Engineering Service minute was further revised to incorporate certain administrative procedures adopted after the promulgation of the new Constitution and revised Minute was published in the Gazette (Extra Ordinary) of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 296/2 dated 7-5-1984.
All amendments inclusive of the new salary scales for Engineers have been incorporated in the service Minute published in the Gazette (Extra Ordinary) of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 509/7 dated 07-06-1988.
As a result of Public Administration Circular No.06/2006, the Minutes of Sri Lanka Engineering Services was revised and published in the Gazette (Extra Ordinary) of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 1836/6 dated 11-11-2013 and No 1840/2 dated 09-12-2013.
Contact Details
![]() Director
![]() Assistant Director
Head of the Branch Mr. K.B.C.J. De Silva