Away from regional changes, we are coming into a period of pronouncing language as one..
Mr. Dinesh Gunawardena, Prime Minister of State Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Affairs mentioned that the appointment of the government language translator service to those who passed the exams of language translator services was held on 2023.07.05 at the Temple House.
The Prime Minister who commented further there....
‟ Since our country is a country where people use both mother tongues, we should be careful in language translation. Because language translation is important for economy, service and people's life, to make it more easier you join the task of transforming the same under relevant training. Pronunciation is different depending on different areas just like the written language we speak. You get such experiences when you travel to different areas.
Even if it is a Sinhala bus, if you speak simply, your accent will be different when you go to the south. The accent is different when you go to a far away village. Young kids may not be paying much attention. Similarly according to Tamil language areas the pronunciation is different in Eastern Province, Northern Province, Mountain country.
We are getting into a period where that situation is getting thinn out systematically and pronouncing language alike.
There should be people capable of translating languages in every public service office. If there is anything lacking we are bound as Ministry of Public Administration to complete it. But the minister cannot change the scores of government exams. I must humbly declare it. Moving down from where the score shop is is accepting the remaining as an admission policy. "